Our Priorites

Programs of Impact

Mental Health & Awareness

The B.A.N.K. recognizes the mental health disparity in the black and brown communities are a major issue. As a result of this, we have taken the time to carefully curate a program that specifically is catered toward promoting awareness surrounding mental health needs within disadvantaged neighborhoods and the children who grow up there. We will be partnering with local agencies to help families become connected with counseling and therapy services.

Mentorship Program

The B.A.N.K. offers a mentorship program for boys ages 12-18. We are aware that there is a significant number of young boys in the communities we have been called to serve, that are without a positive male influence in the home or in their lives. Recent studies have shown that youth who are involved in some form of mentorship, whether natural or planned had a greater chance of achieving academic success and building overall self-confidence. Our team is dedicated to providing male youth with the necessary tools they need for future success.

Financial Literacy Program

Our team realizes that there is a massive disparity amongst disadvantaged communities, especially those with Black and Brown populations regarding economic support and education. Being financially literate permits adults and youth to make better decisions regarding budgeting, saving, credit management, student loans, taxes, and retirement planning. The B.A.N.K. has partnered with local CPAs, businesses, and agencies to assist with providing courses on money management and investing.
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